Passage: How Old Is She?What is the story about?( )
Passage: How Old Is She?What is the story about?( )
A、A woman was having some trouble with her eyes. So she went to see the doctor.
B、A woman was having some trouble with her head. So she went to see the doctor.
C、A woman was having some trouble with her heart. So she went to see the doctor.
D、A woman was having some trouble with her ears. So she went to see the doctor.
【题目解析】:短文中的故事讲的是,一个女人的心脏有问题,所以她去看医生。 A选项“这个女人的眼睛有问题”,B选项“这个女人的头有问题”,D选项“这个女人的耳朵有问题”,均不符合题干要求,故选C选项“这个女人的心脏有问题”。