Choose the closest paraphrased version for the sentence or italicized part.

If you think I’m going to raise a good-for-nothing,” she said,“ you’ve got another think coming.”()

Choose the closest paraphrased version for the sentence or italicized part.

If you think I’m going to raise a good-for-nothing,” she said,“ you’ve got another think coming.”()


“ If you think I’m going to bring up a useless person,” she said,“ you are completely wrong.”


“If you think I’m going to bring up a useless person,” she said,“ you should think about it carefully.”


“If you think I’m going to bring up a useless person,” she said,“ you are thinking something else.”


“You are wrong to think I’m going to bring up a useless person for you are very promising,” she said.


她回答说:“你要是以为我会去培养一个废物,那你趁早打消这个念头(大错特错了)。”good-for-nothing 什么事都做不好的,废物。表述相符的是A选项。 选自第十二课 Selling the Post(II)
