Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part. 

I suspect that we are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round the corner.()

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part. 

I suspect that we are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round the corner.()


I wonder if we have realized the smallness of this island compared to the sea.


I think we may not be fully aware it is easy to get to the sea on this small island.


I believe we have ignored the size of the small island and its location in the sea.


I guess we are insensitive to the fact that this small island is at the corner of the sea.


我认为我们没有充分意识到从岛上去海边很容易。本题选自课文The Beauty of Britain.
