Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Romance is the privilege of the rich , not the profession of the unemployed.( )

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Romance is the privilege of the rich , not the profession of the unemployed.( )


A man without a job should be wise enough not to fall in love.


The rich and the poor should be equal in love affairs.


You should never fall in love with anyone without a job.


Unemployed people are not entitled to get married.


句意:花前月下是有钱人的游戏,可不是失业者的职业。 A项:一个没有工作的人要保持理智不陷入爱河,符合句意;B项:在恋爱中,富人和穷人应该是平等的。原文并没有讲到“平等”;C项:你永远不要和一个没有工作的人相爱。原文并无此意;D项:失业者无权结婚。原文没有提到“结婚”。
