Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Time is treated [by Americans] as if it were something almost tangible.( )

Choose the closest paraphrased version after the following sentence or the italicized part.

Time is treated [by Americans] as if it were something almost tangible.( )


Americans try various means to hold time tightly in their hands.


Americans are serious about time and they manage their time well.


To Americans, time is as valuable as money, which they can see and touch.


To Americans, time is like something solid, which they can seize and control.​


原句句意:对待时间简直就像它是看得见、摸得着的东西一样。A. 美国人试图用各种方法将时间紧紧地握在手中。原文没有讲抓紧时间。B. 美国人是认真对待时间的,他们很好地管理他们的时间。没有说认真对待时间。C. 对美国人来说,时间和金钱一样宝贵,它们都看得见摸得着。没和金钱比较。D.对美国人来说,时间就像某种坚实的东西,他们可以抓住和控制。符合句意。选D。
