Seven days before the design is due, I'm still deadlocked.
Seven days before the design is due, I'm still deadlocked.
A、Seven days before the deadline for the design,I develop a terrible case of bloodshot eyes.
B、Seven days before the deadline for the design, I still have problems unsolved.
C、Just seven days before the deadline for the design, I'm locked in a deadly trap.
D、Seven days before the deadline for the design, I meet with a difficult problem.
【题目解析】:原句译文:离规定交设计的日子还有七天,最后两个问题还是毫无进展。A项中的bloodshot指眼睛因熬夜等变得肿胀的或布满血丝的,原句没有相关信息;C项意为就在离规定交设计的日子还有七天的时候……,但是原句中的“两个问题”是一直未解决,并不是到最后七天之时才出现的;D项中a difficult problem意为一个棘手的问题,但是原文是两个问题。答案为B。