He remained on all fours leaning against the wind, intent to have everything right.
He remained on all fours leaning against the wind, intent to have everything right.
A、He was one of the four people who were clutching each other s hands.
B、He was still lying on his stomach with his hands and legs stretched.
C、He was still holding on to the ground on his hands and knees.
D、He was trying to remain where he was in the wind.
【题目解析】:原句译文:他还是四肢伏地,后背顶着狂风,决心要让一切恢复正常。all fours指的是四肢,因此A项将其解释为four people是错误的;B项中的lying意为躺,可是原文是一个“趴”的动作;D项的解释内容过于简单,不如C项的生动,全面。答案为C。