It [the first week’s payment] represented a week of very hard work—so hard that it might have been described as slavery if it hadn’t been for its aim and end.
A、…the aim of this slave-driving work was hard to describe.
B、…the extremely hard work made it unacceptable for any payment.
C、…but for the pay, I wouldn’t have been able to do such heavy work.
D、…if it hadn’t been for the high pay, I wouldn’t have accepted such heavy work.
【题目解析】:本句选自《综合英语(二)》上册Lesson 11 – How I Served My Apprenticeship。本句考查习语aim and end的含义“目的”,斜体部分的意思是“要不是因为干活的目的(是挣钱帮父母养家),那活真可以称为奴隶般的劳动”因此选择D。