You ______ about your math exam result. You have got the highest score in our class.
You ______ about your math exam result. You have got the highest score in our class.
A、mustn’t have worried
B、needn’t have worried
C、haven’t needed to worry
D、didn’t need to worry
【题目解析】:该题考查“情态动词+完成式”。must have done sth.意为“过去肯定发生了某事”,其否定形式为can’t/couldn’t have done sth.,mustn’t have done sth.不存在。needn’t have done sth.意为“原本没必要做某事”。本句应选B,句意为“你本没有必要担心你的数学考试成绩的,你在我们班是最高分。”