I Use Every Second Before I Go to Work

① I wake up at 6 a.m. every day. The first thing I do when I wake up is grab my smartphone and take it to the bathroom with me, where I start my day by consuming quite a lot of information. I go to so
I Use Every Second Before I Go to Work

① I wake up at 6 a.m. every day. The first thing I do when I wake up is grab my smartphone and take it to the bathroom with me, where I start my day by consuming quite a lot of information. I go to some websites, but the main site that I focus on during this time is Nuzzel, a collector of headlines and links. I recommend everyone look into it if they feel they don't have time to properly focus on every website individually.

②After visiting those sites, I head to Twitter, my No.1 outlet for communication with the public. Twitter is becoming a listening platform. There is such a volume of information on the platform that you need pay attention to. So I spend a great amount of my morning responding to people and starting conversations.

③After all this comes my workout (锻炼) with my trainer. I usually work out for about 45 minutes. The specific workout routine varies depending on the day of the week, what I ate,and how much I've been traveling.

④After the workout, I head back home to get my children ready for school. I say bye to them and give them each a kiss before they leave. Then, I'm off to my office, often before 9 a.m.

⑤In the car to my office, I call my mom, dad or sister. I talk to them just to learn what they're up to. I really value those small moments. By the time I step into my office, so much is going through my head. My day starts the minute I open my eyes.

A.to listen to others
B.step into my office
C.kiss them goodbye
D.affect my workout routine
E.to learn how they are doing
F.to surf the Internet efficiently

Task 2
21.Nuzzel helps me ().
22.On Twitter I am able ().
23.There are several factors that ().
24.Before my kids go to school, I ().
25.I call my parents ().
【题目解析】:21、【F】由“Nuzzel”定位到第一段“I go to some websites, but the main site that I focus on during this time is Nuzzel, a collector of headlines and links.  I recommend everyone look into it if they feel they don't have time to properly focus on every website individually.(我访问了一些网站,但这段时间我关注的主要网站是Nuzzel,一个收集标题和链接的网站。我建议每个人都去看看,如果他们觉得自己没有时间单独关注每个网站的话。)”。可知Nuzzel网站可以帮助作者更有效率的上网收集信息。答案选F。
22、【A】由“Twitter”定位到第二段“After visiting those sites, I head to Twitter, my No.1 outlet for communication with the public. Twitter is becoming a listening platform.(访问完这些网站后,我会去Twitter,这是我与公众沟通的首选渠道。Twitter正在成为一个倾听平台。) ”。可知作者可以通过Twitter与大众沟通,倾听大家的意见。答案选A。
23、【D】“There are several factors that…”指的是影响因素,可猜测与文中第三段提到的“The specific workout routine varies depending on the day of the week, what I ate,and how much I've been traveling.(具体的锻炼计划取决于一周中的哪一天,我吃了什么,以及我旅行了多长时间。)”有关。可知答案与workout routine有关。答案选D。
24、【C】由“kids”定位到第四段的“children”,根据“ I say bye to them and give them each a kiss before they leave. (我对他们说再见,在他们离开之前给他们每个人一个吻。)”可知答案选C。
25、【E】由“parents”定位到最后一段“In the car to my office, I call my mom, dad or sister.  I talk to them just to learn what they're up to. (在去办公室的车里,我打电话给我的妈妈、爸爸或妹妹。我和他们交谈只是为了了解他们在做什么。)”,可知答案选E。