请根据要求撰写一篇120词左右的英语短文。Is it better for a family to raise two children rather than only one child?Give your opinion and support with reasons.
请根据要求撰写一篇120词左右的英语短文。Is it better for a family to raise two children rather than only one child?Give your opinion and support with reasons.

In recent years, there are many disputes on the issue which is better for a family, raising a child or 2 children?

Personally, I hold the idea that raising 2 children is preferable. In the first place, children learn to share and shape better personalities with a sister or a brother. They seldom feel lonely and have the opportunity to interact with each other. In the second place, when the couple gets old, their children can help each other to care for their parents, which can relive their burden while they have to work at the same time. In the third place, the children are able to take care of each other in their daily life, which brings them the warmth of family ties.

Above all, in my opinion, it is better for a family to have 2 children than only 1 child.
【题目解析】:首段,介绍现象,说明现在对于生一胎还是二胎大家存在争议。第二段,说明自己的观点。分为3点来论述。In the first place…In the second place…In the third place…。最后一段,总结全文观点,再次点题,说明自己认为生两个孩子更好。文章结构一定要清晰,单词避免拼写错误,句子避免语法错误。
