【阅读选择】Physiologically, we are rhythmical. We must eat, sleep, breathe, and play regularly to maintain good health. Emotionally we are rhythmical, too, for psychologists say that all of us feel alternate periods of relative depression and exhilaration
【阅读选择】Physiologically, we are rhythmical. We must eat, sleep, breathe, and play regularly to maintain good health. Emotionally we are rhythmical, too, for psychologists say that all of us feel alternate periods of relative depression and exhilaration. Intellectually we are also rhythmical, for we must have periods of relaxation following periods of concentration. It naturally follows then that rhythm, a fundamental aspect of our lives, must be a part of any good literary work—whether poetry or prose. According to the passage, which of the following pairs of activities best illustrates intellectual rhythm?
A、Studying a science book and then studying a psychology book
B、Learning a poem and then taking a nap
C、Playing ball at the beach and then going swimming
D、Solving a math problem and then solving a chemistry problem
【题目解析】:段落的结尾处讲到:在脑力活动方面,我们也同样是有节奏的,因为我们在高度集中精力一段时间以后,必须让脑子有一个松弛的阶段(“we must have periods of relaxation following periods of concentration”)。根据这个信息,A、D项内容都是高度集中的脑力活动,与原文内容恰好相反;B项内容是学习诗歌与小睡一会,正好符合原文,一张一弛。而C项内容又全是不费脑力的活动,也不符合原文。