Life Is Difficult
What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems cause___1___, anger, fear or despair. These are___2___feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life
Life Is Difficult
What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems cause___1___, anger, fear or despair. These are___2___feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life___3___an endless series of problems, it is___4___difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yes it is in this process of___5___and solving problem that life has its meaning. Problem call forth our___6___and our wisdom. It is only because of problem that we grow___7___and spiritually. When we want to encourage the___8___of the human spirit, we encourage the human capacity to solve problems, just as in school we deliberately___9___problems for our childrento solve. It is through the pain of confronting and resolving that we learn. It is for this reason that___10___people learn not to fear but actually to welcome problems and actually to welcome the pain of problems.

A. meeting      E. wise         I. poses
B. courage      F. take          J. always
C. careful       G. sadness   K. uncomfortable
D. growth       H. set            L. mentally
【正确答案】:1.G    2.K    3.I    4.J     5.A
6.B     7.L     8.D  9.H    10.E
【题目解析】:1.根据后面逗号并列的单词,说明空格需要填名词,答案从ABDG中选择,跟后面的生气,害怕,绝望属于同类的是G 难过,答案是G
2.空格修饰名词feelings,需要填形容词。 答案从CEK中选择,形容感觉的只有K合适,答案是K
4.空格前后it is difficult主系表是完整的,这种情况下只能填副词,修饰动词,答案从JL中选,修饰困难的用always更合适,答案是J
5.介词of后面跟名词或动名词,空格后面有and solving,所以只能填动名词,答案是A
6.形容词性物主代词our修饰名词, and后的名词是智慧,跟智慧同类的名词只有B 勇气
9.空格前是副词,后是名词,证明中间缺谓语动词,答案从FH中选,从上下文来看,选择H, 意思是“制造问题“