【阅读理解】"Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed," Allen said. "We have a lot of work to do to rule out (排除……的可能性) possible non-biological explanations
【阅读理解】"Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed," Allen said. "We have a lot of work to do to rule out (排除……的可能性) possible non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical process, without biology, can explain these results."
What can be inferred from what Allen said?
A、Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.
B、Scientists all agree that there is life on Titan.
C、Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable.
D、Scientists all agree that a non-biological chemical reaction is a possible explanation.
【题目解析】:推理判断题。答题原则:和原文完全一样的选项肯定不是答案,推理判断题是对现象的推断。题目中有绝对词语all must every merely have to barely only一般是错误的,排除B C D. 根据Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed。推断出科学家就Titan上是否有生命的问题观点不同,与A一致。得到答案A。