Risk Loving It
Do you know how it is when you want something so much it hurts? That's the way it was with me on my 11th birthday. I didn't know then that getting something doesn't mean it will always be yours.
It was a Saturday. Dad gave me $25
Risk Loving It
Do you know how it is when you want something so much it hurts? That's the way it was with me on my 11th birthday. I didn't know then that getting something doesn't mean it will always be yours.
It was a Saturday. Dad gave me $25 to my own birthday gift. While passing a pet shop, I found a little dog called Yorky. When he saw me he barked twice, pawing(挠)the window. I went inside and reached down to pet him; he licked(舔)my hand. I bought York at once. Since then, Yorky followed me everywhere, often jumping up and down with excitement. I believed he was mine forever.
It happened in February. I was going home from school as usual, and I stopped three blocks away to whistle for Yorky. He didn't come. I whistled again. Then I began to run. I stopped before I got to the street in front of our house. I could see him lying still in the middle of the street on his side. I saw the tire marks. I knew he was dead.
Then I put all my energy into baseball. At least I was tired at night and could sleep without missing Yorky. One afternoon, I was halfway home when I noticed this thing following me. It was the funniest-looking dog you've ever seen. "Get away from me! I don't like dogs," I shouted. But for two days it kept showing up at my door. I began to feed it when Dad got home from work and said, "Go ahead. Risk loving it." Then I held the dog up in my arms and cried like a baby.
I found Yorky dead_____.
A、under the tire of a car
B、on one side of the street
C、on my way home after school
D、three blocks away from my home
【题目解析】:I could see him lying still in the middle of the street on his side. I saw the tire marks. I knew he was dead.我能看见他一动不动地躺在街中央。我看到了轮胎的痕迹。我知道他死了。
D选项死在离我家三个街区远的地方,I stopped three blocks away to whistle for Yorky. He didn't come. 我在三个街区外停下来给Yorky吹口哨。他没来。并不是他死在了离我家三个街区远的地方,C选项死在我回家的路上,正确。