Gold Rush

My name is John Carter. I am from the state of Virginia. At the close of the Civil War I found(31)_____ without a home, without money and without work, I decided to search for gold in the great(32)_____ of the American Southwest.
Gold Rush

My name is John Carter. I am from the state of Virginia. At the close of the Civil War I found(31)_____ without a home, without money and without work, I decided to search for gold in the great(32)_____ of the American Southwest.

I spent almost a year(33)_____ for gold with another former soldier, Captain James Powell, also of Virginia. We were(34)_____ lucky. In the winter of 1865, we(35)_____ rocks that held gold. Powell was trained as a mining(36)_____. He said we had uncovered over a million dollars(37)_____ of gold in only three months. But the work was(38)_____ with only two men and not much equipment. So we decided Powell should go to the(39)_____ settlement to seek equipment and men to help us with the work. On March the third, 1866, Powell said good-bye. He(40)_____ his horse down the mountain toward the valley. Two days later, Powell came back with everything we needed to change our life forever.

A. slow
B. worth
C. rode
D. fortunately
E. myself
F. engineer
G. discovered
H. searching
I. fast
J. nearest
K. extremely
L. deserts
【正确答案】:1. E   2. L   3. H   4. K   5. G   6. F   7. B   8. A   9. J   10. C
【题目解析】:1. 空格这一句意思是我发现_____没有一个家,观察选项只有我自己符合句式结构,选E。

2. 空格前的great是形容词,可知该处应该是个名词,结合语义这个名词应该是个地名,选L。

3. 空格前后观察句式可知该句缺动词,而search for gold前文已经有体现,所以选H。

4. 空格这一句结构完整,属于主系表结构,此处应该填副词修饰lucky,选K。

5. 空格该句缺乏动词,主体为:我们()岩石,所以应该填发现,选G。

6. 空格前说Powell被训练成了采矿_____,根据选项可知是采矿工程师,选F。

7. 空格该句说他们发现了百万美元_____金子,可以推测文章的意思为发现了价值百万的黄金,选B。

8. 空格该句提到他们只有两个人,从句式上看需要一个形容词作为表语修饰work这个主语,所以是说工作太慢,选A。

9. 空格后面是名词,此处应为形容词,该句说他们认为应该先去一个什么样的定居点,所以是最近的定居点,选J。

10. 空格前后分别为主语和宾语,此处应是动词,ride horse骑马,固定搭配,选C。
