SummarizationRead each of the following short paragraphs and complete the phrase or sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph. The first letter of the missing word is given be fore the blank.Paragraph 5.Globalization is an objective real
SummarizationRead each of the following short paragraphs and complete the phrase or sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph. The first letter of the missing word is given be fore the blank.Paragraph 5.Globalization is an objective reality underlining the fact that we are all passengers on the same ship, that is, this planet where we all live. But, passengers on this vessel are traveling in very different conditions. The tiny minorities are traveling in luxurious cabins furnished with Internet, cell phones and access to global communication networks. They enjoy an abundant and nutritionally balanced diet and clean water. They have access to sophisticated medical care and to culture. But the overwhelming and distressed majority, 85 percent of the ship’s passengers are crowded together in its dirty hold and suffer hunger,disease and helplessness.5.Unbalanced s______ for the world population nowadays.