Passage Two  People take to alcohol for one reason oranother. But what are the effects of it? It is well-known that alcohol makespeople fat and leads to heart and breathing problems which fatness makes worse.It can interfe"> Passage Two  People take to alcohol for one reason oranother. But what are the effects of it? It is well-known that alcohol makespeople fat and leads to heart and breathing problems which fatness makes worse.It can interfe">

Passage Two  People take to alcohol for one reason oranother. But what are the effects of it? It is well-known that alcohol makespeople fat and leads to heart and breathing problems which fatness makes worse.It can interfe

Passage Two  People take to alcohol for one reason oranother. But what are the effects of it? It is well-known that alcohol makespeople fat and leads to heart and breathing problems which fatness makes worse.It can interfere with normal eating patterns and cause painful stomachdisorders. But the part of tile body which is in most danger from alcohol isthe liver. Too much drinking can lead to diseases like hepatitis (肝炎)and cirrhosis (肝硬化)of the liver which,in turn,lead to death. But it isn’t just thephysical working of the body which is affected; themental function is also damaged. In the short term, this usually involves lossof memory. The long-term consequences involve more serious brain damage.  Then there are the psychologicalproblems, those which arise from what is happening in the mind. Alcohol canchange an individual’s personality. We have seen how,withoutalcohol,the alcoholic (饮酒过度的人)becomes more nervous, more worded about his problemswhich may appear much more important than they actually are. His moods maychange rapidly and violently. He often feels guilty and sorry for what he hasdone, but because he has lost control of himself? he continues to behave in aharmful way. In the end,he is unable to cope with eventhe simplest of his daily responsibilities which, of course, leads to all kindsof social problems.  Often the ones who suffer most in suchcircumstances are not those who have the alcohol problem,but those closest tothem —husband, wives and children. They are the familywhich may be very loving and sympathetic; the stress ofhaving to cope with strain is too much and leads to the break-up of marriagesor the abuse of children, which create further psychological and socialpressures. The drinker suffers, too, as he watches his normal world fall downaround him. 
Which of the following statements is correct?()
A、Alcohol always causes stomach problems.
B、Alcohol can’t influence people’s normal eating patterns.
C、All liver problems arise by drinking alcohol.
D、Painful stomach disorders are sometimes caused by alcohol.
【题目解析】:本题可采用排除法。根据文章第一段第五句,“But the part of... is the liver. ”可 知,选项A错误;但是也并不是所有的肝脏问题都是由喝酒引起的,故选项C错误;而选项 B,由于喝酒能引起肥胖,而肥胖又会影响人们正常的饮食习惯,故选项B错误。答案为D。
