Mostof us lead unhealthy lives: we spend far too much time sitting down. If, in addition, weare careless about our diets, our bodies soon become flabby and our system sluggish.The guilt feelings start: "I must go on a diet", "I
  Mostof us lead unhealthy lives: we spend far too much time sitting down. If, in addition, weare careless about our diets, our bodies soon become flabby and our system sluggish.The guilt feelings start: "I must go on a diet", "I must try tolose weight"," must get more fresh air and exercise”, "I must stop smoking","I must try to keep fit". There are some aspects of our unhealthylives that we cannot avoid.  I am thinking ofsuch features of modern urban life as pollution, noise, rushed meals andstress. But keeping fit is a way to minimize the effects of these evils.  Theusual suggestion for a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take up somesport or other. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playingfootball and tennis in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to oneby the people who are simply watching them. It is an illusion to think that youwill get fit by going to watch the football match every Saturday, unless you countthe effort required to fight your way through the crowds to get to the best seats.  Forthose who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports ­‑ and it is especiallydifficult to do so if you are not good at them - there are such solitary activities ascycling, walking and swimming. What often happens, though, is that you do them insuch a leisurely way, so slowly, that it is doubtful if you are doing yourself muchgood, apart from the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of yourarmchair. Of course you can be very thorough about exercises. Many sports shops nowsell frightening pieces of apparatus, chest-expanders and other mysteriousgadgets of shiny spring steel, which, according to the advertisements, will bring youup to an Olympic standard of fitness, provided programs generally involve longperiods of time bending these curious bits of metal into improbable shapes.  Itall strikes me as utterly boring and also time-consuming. Somebody suggestedrecently that all such effort was pointless anyway because if you spend half an hourevery day jogging round the local park, you will add to your life exactly thenumber of hours that you wasted during the "jogging" in the firstplace.The argument is false even if the facts are correct, but there is nodoubt that exercise in itself can be boring.  Evenafter you have found a routine for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics, youare still only half way to good heaith, because, according to the experts, youmust also master the art of complete mental and physical relaxation.  Nowthis does not mean snoozing in the armchair or going dancing. It has something to dowith deep breathing emptying your mind of all thoughts, medication andso on. 
If you want to keep fit, you should ______.
A、not be very careful about your diet
B、not spend long hours sitting in your armchair
C、not put on too much weight around your waist
D、not only do competitive sports, but solitary ones