Passage Three  “How many of you have been angry at least once today?”asked the conductor of an anger management seminar (讨论会). According to an article in The New York Times, most of those inthe room raised their hands. “Th"> Passage Three  “How many of you have been angry at least once today?”asked the conductor of an anger management seminar (讨论会). According to an article in The New York Times, most of those inthe room raised their hands. “Th">

Passage Three  “How many of you have been angry at least once today?”asked the conductor of an anger management seminar (讨论会). According to an article in The New York Times, most of those inthe room raised their hands. “Th

Passage Three  “How many of you have been angry at least once today?”asked the conductor of an anger management seminar (讨论会). According to an article in The New York Times, most of those inthe room raised their hands. “The fact is,” the seminar leader continued,“people get angry an average of 10 to 14 times a day. But anger is especially endemic (常见的疾病) to work. If you have a job,you’re guaranteed to get angry. “  Had I been in the room and heard thatlast remark, I would have respectfully disagreed.Although some statisticsindicate that the number of on-the-job anger has increased in recent years,to hold on to thebelief that workplace anger is therefore guaranteed is counterproductive. Itleaves one with the impression that any efforts to remain good-tempered at workare, at best,only a band-aid(临时措施).  Anger-management experts do offer a fewcommon-sense guidelines to minimize work- related anger:don’t let it fester (化脓) ; don’t look for snubs(责骂) in what are purelyinnocent incidents; don’t getcaught up in other people’s complaints;if you start to lose control, take a Break.  I would add, pray. 
When the conductor asked the question, the author of this passage____
A、raised his hand
B、got angry at the question
C、was not at the seminar
D、was at work
【题目解析】:根据文章第二段第一句,“Had I been in the room.”可知,此句用的是虚拟语气, 意思为“要是我当时在那个房间里并且听到最后的评论……”,故作者当时并没有参加那个讨论会。答案为C。
