How have the states carried out the Federal auto-fume regulations?
A、All the states have taken these regulations seriously.
B、Very few states have regularly inspected the fume control equipment.
C、Some states have maintained the fume control equipment on a weekly basis.
D、Most states have contributed to the inspection ofthe fume control equipment.
【题目解析】:细节判断题。题目问各州是如何实施联邦汽车尾气排放规定的。在文章第七段定位题干关键信息“auto-fume regulations”。文中说,尽管联邦法律要求汽车生产商为车辆安装尾气控制装置,但.few states have done anything to assure its effectiveness(没有几个州采取过任何保证其实施效果的举措),B选项的内容符合原文,因此本题答案为B。