The tranquility of the above scene is misleading. Farmers in the Midwestput in some of the longest workdays of any profession in the United States. Inaddition to caring for their crops and livestock, they have to keep up with newfarming techniques, s
The tranquility of the above scene is misleading. Farmers in the Midwestput in some of the longest workdays of any profession in the United States. Inaddition to caring for their crops and livestock, they have to keep up with newfarming techniques, such as those for combining soil erosion and increasinglivestock production. It is essential that farmers adopt these advances intechnology if they want to continue to meet the growing demands of a hungryworld. 47.( Agriculture is the number one industry in the United States andagricultural products are the country's leading export. Corn and soybean exportsalone account for approximately 75 percent of the amount sold in world markets.)
【题目解析】:括号部分第一个句子是个并列句,由and连接。注意industry这个词常常表示“产业”,如service industry(服务业)、furniture industry(家具业)等。leading和number one是同义表达,在翻译时注意不要重复。export相对于import,指出口。第二句是简单句,account for是短语动词,指“占(比例)”,approximately这个词常和数字连用,表示“大约”。