The senators decided to draft legislation in order to___________.
A、make sure that the prisoners are treated decently
B、ensure that the military commissions are legal
C、help pave the way for President Bush’s decision
D、reject President Bush9s decision
【题目解析】:题目问的是参议员想起草法案是为了___________。根据第三段的最后一句Most of the senators, including key Republicans, said they were committed to drafting legislation that did more than merely rubber-stamp the way Mr. Bush decided to set up Guantanamo Bay.可知,参议员们致力于起草法案不仅仅是草草批准布什建立海军基地的决定。再结合第二段的第一句话The other thing that really matters is that the White House actually agrees to obey the law this time.(另一件重要的事情是白宫确实同意遵守公约了)。可知参议员们致力于起草法案更是为了让政府遵守日内瓦公约。日内瓦公约的主要内容就是第一段提到的the Geneva Conventions requirement of decent treatment for all prisoners(善待战俘)。因此选择A. make sure that the prisoners are treated decently(确保战俘能够受到体面的对待)。