The author disagrees with Dr. Burton because___________.
A、some people go to bed very late at night
B、some people still feel tired with enough sleep
C、few people still feel sleepy when it is time to get up
D、not many people can wake up feeling fresh and alert
【题目解析】:题目问的是作者不同意Burton博士的意见,因为___________。根据第一段中的…says Dr. A. Burton. “With the right amount of sleep, you should wake up fresh and alert five minutes before the alarm rings.” If he is right, many people must be under sleeping, including myself.可知,Burton博士认为,只要达到了正确的睡眠量,在闹钟响前的五分钟你就能够清醒起来。但作者认为如果Burton博士是对的,那么就不会有那么多的人迷迷糊糊睡不醒了,包括作者本人。因此选择D. not many people can wake up feeling fresh and alert(基本没有人能清醒地醒来)。