How to () the bottlenecks of technological development in key areas has become a major test for the realization of smooth domestic circulation.
How to () the bottlenecks of technological development in key areas has become a major test for the realization of smooth domestic circulation.
A、break with
B、break up
C、break down
D、break through
【名师解析】:正确答案为选项D "break through"。这个短语意味着克服障碍或限制,取得重要的进展或突破。在题目的语境中,"break through the bottlenecks of technological development in key areas" 指的是在关键技术领域中克服发展瓶颈,这对于实现国内循环的顺畅至关重要。其他选项 "break with" 通常指断绝关系,"break up" 可以指结束关系或解散,"break down" 则意味着失败或崩溃,这些选项在这个语境下都不合适。