E-Wastes  The past few decades have witnessed amazing advancement in technology, especially in the field of electronics. Despite the remarkable facilities offered by these advances, they have given birth to a new type of hazardous waste, called e-was
E-Wastes  The past few decades have witnessed amazing advancement in technology, especially in the field of electronics. Despite the remarkable facilities offered by these advances, they have given birth to a new type of hazardous waste, called e-waste. E-waste, containing numerous poisonous wastes, makes hazardous impacts and renders recycling problems. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is any broken or unwanted electronic device or appliance; sometimes, it is also called WEEE-waste from electrical and electronic equipment. Discarded computers, monitors, televisions, printers, scanners, fax machines, mice, keyboards, CD players, digital cameras, walkie-talkies and cell phones form the major chunk of e-waste.  It has been estimated that around 50 million tons of electronic products are discarded annually around the world. Most of the electronic wastes are produced by developed nations, which are later exported to developing countries for disposal. Since the government regulations are absent or are not enforced in these third world countries, the used electronic products are often easily accessible to the general public, who are exposed to health hazards associated with e-wastes.  The primary concern with e-wastes is the hazardous content they carry-Studies indicate that more than 1000 chemicals including PVC plastics and various types of gases are used for manufacturing electronic products and their components. For instance, computer monitors typically contain lead, a heavy metal known for causing brain damage among children.  Similar to monitors, flat panel TVs contain large amounts of mercury, which is likely to cause cancer. Switches and batteries contain cadmium (镉) and nickel, which are harmful to humans, animals and plants. Metal housing and joints,often coated with chromium corrosion protector (镀烙防护层), cause damage to liver and kidney. Similarly, beryllium (铍) dust generated from relays, connectors and motherboards are highly poisonous to humans.  The waste management of electronic appliances is complicated, primarily because most of the countries are not able to recycle more than 20 percent of the e-waste they generate. The leading reason for this low rate of recycling is the lack of information and initiative on part of the consumers. In addition, in many parts of the world, tons of electronic waste is discarded in illegal dump sites, where no waste monitoring system exists.  The extensive variety of the materials involved in electronic appliances also makes the sorting tedious, thereby rendering the e-waste recycling business less effective. The problem can only be resolved by adopting improved recyc1ing solutions and generating public drive for e-waste recycling.  E-waste represents one of the most diverse mixtures of the waste categories. Increasing at an alarming rate, e-wastes pose serious health hazards to humans and wild life. Consumer awareness and commitment are necessary for controlling the problem. Technological advances such as clean computers and appliances are also beneficial since they can address the problem at root. Topic Outline
【正确答案】:Topic: E-WastesThesis: E-waste, containing numerous poisonous wastes, makes hazardous impacts and renders recycling problems.Outline:I the present situation about electronic products and wastesA huge number of electronic products around the worldB developed nations as main producers of e-wastes but developing nations as its main victimsC the lack of corresponding regulations and controlII hazardous content that e-wastes may carryA various chemicals in electronic products and componentsB example and hazardsIII brief analysis of more harmful content in different productsA about mercuryB about cadmium and nickelC about chromiumD about berylliumIV reasons for the low recycling rate in most countriesA the lack of information and initiative on part of the consumersB illegal dump sites without waste monitoring systemV reason for less effective recycling and possible solutionA tedious sortingB possible solutionV Conclusion:E-wastes pose serious health hazards to humans and wild life. Consumer awareness and commitment together with technological advances being necessary for controlling the problem
【题目解析】:本题是对英语写作理论简单运用的考察。重点考察学生基于阅读能力上的分析、归纳及总结能力。在写作训练中,对于各种文体结构的辨识、分析及把控非常关键。写提纲时,考生要注意如下事项:一、一个完整的提纲由三大部分组成,即Topic, Thesis, Outline,而第三部分又是其主要部分二、书面格式:先写什么,后写什么,在什么位置写三、层次标号:第一层关系用罗马数字,第二层用大写英文字母,第三层用阿拉伯数字,第四层用小写的英文字母,一般情况下,不得颠倒和调换。四、提纲有简有繁,在保证正确的前提下,视具体情况可以往复杂写,但最简单的提纲要至少写出两层关系,即 main ideas and sub-ideas。五、提纲的类型一般来讲,提纲有两种常见类型,即Topic outline和 Sentence outline。前者是指用文中的关键词和短语(Thesis除外)组成的提纲,而后者则指用主谓结构俱全的句子组成的提纲。比较而言,前者较难把握。本题要求的是一个Topic outline,中心思想句中的关键词为“hazardous impacts , recycling problems”。这已经充分体现出提纲中第一层关系的主要内容。我们只需分析每一个主体段落内部的关系,以及结论段中的结论句,并用短语的方式将其表达,即可完成此题目。其实,每一个主体段落中的关系,也就是这个段落中各个推展句间的关系,这样我们就大大简化了思路,提高了效率。