A number of economics and political blogs have recently caught onto the political 【futures】 market craze, particularly focusing on Intrade (a popular site where people can bet on, among other things,the presidential election).
A number of economics and political blogs have recently caught onto the political 【futures】 market craze, particularly focusing on Intrade (a popular site where people can bet on, among other things,the presidential election).
A、indefinite time
B、near future
C、prospective time
D、commodities transacted at a future date
【题目解析】:句意:一些经济和政治博客最近捕获到了政治期货市场的热潮,尤其侧重于Intrade(一个可供人们预测总统选举及其他事情的流行网站)。futures在句中的意思是“期货(交易)”,即按购买时商定的价格而在将来一定时期付款交货的商品、货币或有价证券。选项中indefinite time意为"不确定的时间”;near future意为"不久的将来”;prospective time意为“预期的时间”;commodities transacted at a future date意为“在将来的某个日期要交易的商品”。故本题选D。