The store 【discounted】 all clothing for the sale.
The store 【discounted】 all clothing for the sale.
A、expanded on scale
B、extended to some degree
C、put to an end
D、reduced in price
【名师解析】:题目中提到的 "discounted" 是一个动词,意味着商品价格被降低。结合选项来看,选项A "expanded on scale" 表示规模扩大,选项B "extended to some degree" 表示在一定程度上扩展,选项C "put to an end" 表示结束,而选项D "reduced in price" 表示价格降低。根据题目内容 "The store discounted all clothing for the sale" 可以判断,商店为了促销,降低了所有服装的价格。因此,正确答案是选项D。