Passage 1
By 1991 the level of foreign indebtedness has drastically altered the role that many developing countries play in the world trading system. Imports had been severely cut back and there was evidence of a scramble to export additional prod
Passage 1
By 1991 the level of foreign indebtedness has drastically altered the role that many developing countries play in the world trading system. Imports had been severely cut back and there was evidence of a scramble to export additional products, such as timber(木材), at heavy cost to the environment. Debt had emerged as the biggest single obstacle to development, with about 50 developing countries carrying a severe debt burden, over half of them in Africa.
At the end of 1990, developing countries owed $1,280 billion to Western countries, international aid agencies, the IMF, and banks. Their yearly earnings from international trade were under $1,000 billion; the overall debt of developing countries was therefore more than the value of their exports. To service that debt—to pay interest and repay part of the capital—cost developing countries $143. 5 billion in 1990. They received $85 billion in aid and investment from abroad, thus paying richer countries nearly $60 billion more than they receiveD. New aids and investment was wiped out by past debt. In 1991, according to OCED figures, the severely indebted low-income countries paid a higher proportion of their export revenue on debt service than at any time during the 1980s—31. 3% of such revenues, compared with 23. 8% in the 1980s.
43.In some developing countries half of the export revenue is used to service the debt.
【名师解析】:根据题目内容,1991年,许多发展中国家由于严重的外债负担,不得不削减进口并努力增加出口,如木材等,这对环境造成了巨大代价。发展中国家的外债总额超过了他们的出口价值,导致他们需要支付巨额的债务服务费用。1990年,发展中国家支付了1435亿美元用于债务服务,而他们从国外收到的援助和投资仅为85亿美元,这意味着他们向富裕国家支付的金额比收到的多近60亿美元。根据OCED的数据,1991年,严重债务负担的低收入国家用于债务服务的出口收入比例比1980年代任何时候都要高,达到31.3%,而1980年代为23.8%。 题目中提到的是"In 1991, according to OCED figures, the severely indebted low-income countries paid a higher proportion of their export revenue on debt service than at any time during the 1980s—31.3% of such revenues, compared with 23.8% in the 1980s." 这表明1991年严重债务负担的低收入国家用于债务服务的出口收入比例是31.3%,而不是题目中所说的"half of the export revenue",即50%。因此,选项A(True)是错误的,选项B(False)是正确的。