It is no coincidence that government departments in the various emirates are welcoming bids from consultants that are new to the area. Easily lured away from the recession-hit West by the notion that the streets of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are paved with
It is no coincidence that government departments in the various emirates are welcoming bids from consultants that are new to the area. Easily lured away from the recession-hit West by the notion that the streets of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are paved with gold, these companies are tending to submit very low offers to gain a foothold in the area. While there undoubtedly is work about and the outlook for the UAE is bright, the ever increasing competition among consultants and contractors means that margins are being squeezed. In the opinion of one major local consultant, the only way forward is to diversify: “Diversification into project management in the oil and gas sector is the only way to secure continuity of work and revenues and keep international calibre consultants on the ground. ”
【题目解析】:It is no coincidence that翻译成”.....绝非巧合“;are new to 翻译成”对...陌生“;very low offers翻译成”非常低的报价“;the ever increasing competition翻译成”不断的竞争“;margins are being squeezed翻译成”利润下降“。
