Far from capitulating to this new 【thrust】 of American trade policy, Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation.
Far from capitulating to this new 【thrust】 of American trade policy, Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation.
A、central point
B、stress or pressure
【题目解析】:句意:日本非但不向美国推行的这 一贸易新政策屈服,反而坚定自己的立场,这种做 法可能会导致跨太平洋的贸易冲突。thrust意为 “要点,目标”。选項中central point意为“要旨; 中心点”;stress or pressure 意为“压力”;outline 意 为“外形,概要”;detail意为“细节,详情”。故本 题选A。