Considering the quality of the goods____ we quoted, we do not feel that the prices are at all excessive
Considering the quality of the goods____ we quoted, we do not feel that the prices are at all excessive
C、for which
D、for that
【名师解析】:在本题中,我们需要找到一个合适的关系代词或短语来引导一个定语从句,修饰先行词 "the quality of the goods"。选项A "which" 和选项B "that" 都可以引导定语从句,但它们通常不与介词一起使用。选项D "for that" 语法上不正确,因为 "for" 后面通常不会直接跟 "that"。 正确答案是选项C "for which"。这里 "for" 是介词,"which" 是关系代词,一起用来引导定语从句,表示 "对于我们所报的价格,考虑到商品的质量"。这个结构在句子中充当状语,用来说明价格的合理性是基于商品质量的考量。因此,选项C "for which" 是最合适的选择。