The operation of the letter of credit starts with the importer.He instructs his bank to issue an L/C in favor of the seller. Here the importer is called the applicant,or opener, the bank that issues the credit is called the opening bank,and the expor
The operation of the letter of credit starts with the importer.He instructs his bank to issue an L/C in favor of the seller. Here the importer is called the applicant,or opener, the bank that issues the credit is called the opening bank,and the exporter is called the beneficiary.
【正确答案】:信用证的运作由进口商开始,他指示银行开立以出口商/ 卖家为受益人的信用 证。 在这里,进口商被称为申请人或开证人,开立信用证的银行被称为 开证行,而出口商被称为信用证的受益人。
【评分标准】 (1)意思正确,语言准确,仅有个别小错,得满分 7 或 8 分。
(2)意思正确,但有少量语言错误,得 6-7 分。
(3)意思基本正确,但有少量语言错误,得 4-5 分。
(4)意思基本正确,但有一些严重语言错误,得 1-3 分。
(5)意思不正确或不答题则为 0 分。