Though there are other factors, ______the main factor causing the fluctuation of the rate of exchange between this currency and other currencies.
Though there are other factors, ______the main factor causing the fluctuation of the rate of exchange between this currency and other currencies.
A、the regulation of the government is
B、the par value of the currency is
C、supply and demand is
D、the state of a nation’s trade balance of payments is
【名师解析】:在解析汇率波动的主要原因时,选项C是正确的。汇率的波动受多种因素影响,但供求关系是最主要的因素。当一种货币的需求量增加时,其价值相对于其他货币就会上升;相反,如果需求减少,货币价值就会下降。供求关系受多种经济指标和市场情绪的影响,例如利率、经济增长预期、政治稳定性等。选项A提到的政府调控虽然可以对汇率产生影响,但不是主要因素。选项B的货币平价和选项D的贸易平衡状态也是影响汇率的因素,但它们通常不是直接导致汇率波动的主要原因。因此,选项C"supply and demand is"是最合适的答案。