On a Loan that is legal, the courts will allow a lender to collect only his principal when ______.
On a Loan that is legal, the courts will allow a lender to collect only his principal when ______.
A、there is no fixed interest rate
B、the interest rate is very low
C、the lender demands an interest more than the state law allows
D、the borrower can‘t pay the interest
【题目解析】:loan 贷款 ; 借款 ; 借出 ; 贷给 ; courts 法院 ; 法庭 ; 审判庭 ; lender 放款人;collect 收集 ; 采集 ; 收藏 ; principal 最重要的 ; 主要的 ; demands 要求 ; 所需之物 ;对于合法的贷款,当贷款人要求的利息高于州法律允许的利息时,法院将允许贷款人只收取本金。