What does Leonard's most likely intend to do by its festive Disney-like atmosphere?
What does Leonard's most likely intend to do by its festive Disney-like atmosphere?
A、to attract more kids.
B、to help shoppers feel at home.
C、to make them feel shopping there is a wonderful experience
D、to convey to shoppers that it will do anything for their benefit.
【名师解析】:Leonard's 通过营造类似迪士尼乐园的节日氛围,最有可能的意图是让顾客感受到在那里购物是一种美妙的体验。这种氛围可以提升顾客的购物情绪,让他们在享受购物的同时,也能享受到一种愉悦和放松的感觉。选项C正确地指出了这种氛围的目的是为了增强顾客的购物体验,而不仅仅是吸引孩子们(选项A)、让顾客感到宾至如归(选项B)或者传达商家愿意为顾客做任何事(选项D)。