What is meant by "consideration in a contract?
What is meant by "consideration in a contract?
A、An item of considerable value given to the other party.
B、An item of value given to the other party.
C、Money in exchange of goods.
D、Careful thinking before signing a contract.
【名师解析】:在合同法中,"consideration"指的是合同双方交换的某种价值或利益,通常是为了使合同有效而必须的。选项B正确地描述了这个概念,即"An item of value given to the other party",意味着一方给予另一方的具有价值的物品或服务。这并不需要是一笔巨额的交易,也不仅仅是金钱,它可以是任何形式的承诺或利益。选项A错误地强调了价值的大小,而选项C和D则分别误解了consideration的含义,将其限定在金钱交易和合同签署前的思考上。