Translate the following passage into Chinese. President Clinton realized — as all of us must — that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. Whether
Translate the following passage into Chinese. President Clinton realized — as all of us must — that today’s economy is global. We live in an era in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. Whether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent. America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline. The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity — and to strengthen the bonds between sovereign nations. The U. S. and China both demonstrate the potential of trade to improve the lives of our people. You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades.




【题目解析】:第一段:as all of us must意为”正如每个人必须认识到的那样”,插入语用来解释说明。第二句定语从句,speed在这里是动词”加速前行”的意思,speed around the global意为”全球加速流动”,every hour of every day意为每时每刻。interdependent意为相互依赖。第二段:because引导原因状语从句,who引导的定语从句修饰nations,embrace its discipline,embrace意译为遵守。 and连接并列句,promote mutual prosperity意为促进共同繁荣。strengthen bonds between sovereign nations意为加强主权国家之间的联系。第三段:the potential of trade意为贸易潜力,to do做目的状语。over the past two decades意为在过去二十年中。