The reason "> The reason ">
Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.Several years ago it became customary to talk about "language acquisition" (语言习得) in preference to "language learning", especially with reference to a first language. The reason
Translate the following underlined sentences into Chinese.Several years ago it became customary to talk about "language acquisition" (语言习得) in preference to "language learning", especially with reference to a first language. The reason was that the process of language "acquisition" was viewed as a biological process of growth rather than as one of social learning or deliberate teaching.


【题目解析】:本题考查对介词短语in preference to的正确理解与翻译。介词短语in preference to sth是固定用法意为“而不是某事”,需要注意的是,此处it作形式主语,逻辑主语为后面的不定式,其中动词为talk“谈论”,故需为其增译主语“人们”。句尾with的介词短语翻译时可提前至句首。customary:惯常的、特有的,especially:尤其,with reference to sth:关于…、就…而言。