Conflict is not inherent in a nation’s rise. The United States in the 20th century is an example of a state achieving eminence without conflict with the then-dominant countries. Nor was the often-cited German-British conflict inevitable. Thoug
Sentence Translation
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Conflict is not inherent in a nation’s rise. The United States in the 20th century is an example of a state achieving eminence without conflict with the then-dominant countries. Nor was the often-cited German-British conflict inevitable. Thoughtless and provocative policies played a role in transforming European diplomacy into a zero-sum game.


【题目解析】:20世纪的美国就是一个例证,它在脱颍而出的过程中并没有与当时占据主导地位的国家发生冲突。考点:“of”介词短语作后置定语的翻译。an example of:......的例子。without conflict with:与......没有冲突。then-dominant countries:当时占主导地位的国家。