In 1863 the Football Association was established in England, and the rules of the game have remained essentially the same ever since. Their relative simplicity, and need for little equipment ensured that it became very popular. The power of th
Sentence Translation
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In 1863 the Football Association was established in England, and the rules of the game have remained essentially the same ever since. Their relative simplicity, and need for little equipment ensured that it became very popular. The power of the British Empire meant that it became played in every corner of the world.


【题目解析】:足球运动规则简单易行,而且不需要多少设施,因而这项运动迅速风靡英国。考点:名词词组 “their relative simplicity” “need for little equipment” 宜转译为主谓结构,不宜直译。