其实,用了不过五分钟就把行李打开了。( )
其实,用了不过五分钟就把行李打开了。( )
A、Well, it took just five minutes to do the unpacking.
B、Well, the unpacking didn’t spend more than five minutes.
C、Well, the unpacking didn’t take more than five minutes.
D、Well, the packing didn’t take more than five minutes.
【题目解析】:本题考查的是花费时间做某事的表达方法,英语中常见的有两种表达,一种是sb spend some time on doing sth,另一种是sth takes sb some time。第二种表达方法经常用it做形式主语来指代sth,变成it takes sb some time to do sth,因此正确答案是C。