原文: Harnessing that energy for peaceful purposes has been a lot moredifficult though there are good reasons to keep trying.译文: 为和平目的而控制这种能量向来就困难得多,虽然有很好的理由继续尝试。
原文: Harnessing that energy for peaceful purposes has been a lot moredifficult though there are good reasons to keep trying.译文: 为和平目的而控制这种能量向来就困难得多,虽然有很好的理由继续尝试。

【正确答案】:改译: 这种能量用于和平用途向来就困难得多,但继续尝试的理由还是很充分的。
【题目解析】:Harnessing that energy for peaceful purposes是句子主语,指的是“将该能量用于和平用途”,there are good reasons to do sth.表示有充足的理由做某事。