“That's right,” he said;“I'm no good now.I was all right.I had money.I'm going to quit this,”and,with death in his heart,he started down toward the Bowery.People had turned on the gas before and died;why shouldn't he?He remembered a lodging-house whe
“That's right,” he said;“I'm no good now.I was all right.I had money.I'm going to quit this,”and,with death in his heart,he started down toward the Bowery.People had turned on the gas before and died;why shouldn't he?He remembered a lodging-house where there were little,close rooms,with gas-jets in them,almost pre-arranged,he thought, for what he wanted to do,which rented for fifteen cents.Then he remembered that he had no fifteen cents.
A.Identify the author and the title of the work from which the quoted part is taken.
B.Who is he in the quoted part?
C.What happened to him in the end?
【正确答案】:A.Theodore Dreiser,Sister Carrie.
C.He turned on the gas in a cheap lodging-house and ended his life.