Ernest Hemingway’s novel( )represents a new beginning in his career as a writer.
Ernest Hemingway’s novel( )represents a new beginning in his career as a writer.
A、In Our Time
B、The Sun Also Rises
C、For Whom the Bell Tolls
D、A Farewell to Arms
【题目解析】:本题主要考查对作品For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》的了解。海明威的小说《丧声为谁而鸣》代表了他作家生涯的一个新的开始,讲的是一位美国志愿游击队员罗伯特·乔丹在西班牙内战中作战的故事,故选C。In Our Time——《我们的时代》;The Sun Also Rises——《太阳照常升起》;A Farewell to Arms——《永别了武器》,均属于海明威的作品,但不符合题干要求,可排除。