In ( ),Robert Frost compares life to a journey, and he is doubtful whether he will regret his choice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all the difference.
In ( ),Robert Frost compares life to a journey, and he is doubtful whether he will regret his choice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all the difference.
A、“After Apple-Picking”
B、“The Road Not Taken”
C、“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
D、“Fire and Ice”
【题目解析】:本题考查的是弗罗斯特诗歌《未选择的路》的主题特点。在The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》中,罗伯特·弗罗斯特把生命比作一次旅行,他怀疑当他年老时是否会后悔自己的选择因为这一选择影响深远,展现了现实生活中人们处在十字路口时难以抉择的心情