Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of () with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.
Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of () with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.
A、New England farmers
B、England farmers
C、the Western cowboys
D、the Southerners
【题目解析】:罗伯特·弗罗斯特通过使用简单的口语和对话节奏(Conversational Rhythms),弗罗斯特在他的作品中实现了一种轻松优雅(Effortless Grace)的风格。他将传统的诗歌形式,包括十四行诗,对偶句诗,无韵诗与简明的美国口语韵律结合了起来;把新英格兰农民的讲话和其特定的用词和语法结合了起来