In Theodore Dreiser’s early period, some of his best short fictions were written, among which are Nigger Jeff and Old Rogaum and().
In Theodore Dreiser’s early period, some of his best short fictions were written, among which are Nigger Jeff and Old Rogaum and().
A、The Old Man and Sea
B、His Theresa
C、The American
D、The Portrait of a Lady
【题目解析】:在德莱塞的文学创作初期,他完成了很多他最好的短篇小说,其中包括Nigger Jeff《黑人杰夫》和Old Rogaum《老罗格姆》和His Theresa《他的特里萨》,另外还有他非常著名的Trilogy of Desire”欲望三部曲“。