William Wordsworth,a romantic poet,advocated all the following except ( ).
William Wordsworth,a romantic poet,advocated all the following except ( ).
A、the using of everyday language Spoken by the common people
B、the expressive of the Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
C、the humble and rustic life as subject matter
D、elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
【题目解析】:本题考查的是华兹华斯的作品语言特点。英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯主张使用普通人的日常语言(Everyday Language),强烈情感的表达应该是自然(Spontaneous)流露的,以谦卑(Humble)和乡村(Rustic)生活为题材。故ABC选项都是华兹华斯的主张,故D选项文雅的措辞和夸张的言辞不属于他的语言特点