In(), by suggesting that poor Irish parents sell their babies to the rich English lords and ladies as food, Jonathan Swift is making the most devastating protest against the inhuman exploitation and oppression of the Irish people by the English rulin
In(), by suggesting that poor Irish parents sell their babies to the rich English lords and ladies as food, Jonathan Swift is making the most devastating protest against the inhuman exploitation and oppression of the Irish people by the English ruling class.
A、A Tale of a Tub
B、Gulliver’s Travels
C、The Battle of the Books
D、A Modest Proposal
【题目解析】:本题考查的是斯威夫特的作品主题及语言特点。乔纳森·斯威夫特是一位讽刺小说大师,小说A Modest Proposal《一个温和的建议》(1729)以温和冷静的语言讽刺了英国政府对爱尔兰的压迫,文字“不温不火,绵里藏针”,颇能体现斯威夫特的讽刺风格。BCD三项也都是斯威夫特的作品但主题内容不符合题意。